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Friday, May 8, 2009

How to Help My Friend

Hi Sadie,

A close friend of my was recently diagnosed with cancer, I wanted to know if you know how I can start a fund for her to help her with the everyday bills and rent? I have no idea how to start this...any ideas?

First of all, I am so sorry to hear of your friend's diagnosis. I'm glad she has someone like you in her life who is wanting to reach out, help and DO something.

Unfortunately, I don't know specifically how you go about setting up a fund for someone. In the past I have been involved in raising funds for people and setting up a bank account for a family that went through a fire. We held various fundraisers, gathered donations, etc.

Sounds like you may want to do something a little more long term? If any of you reading this have any ideas to share...please do!

I pray that your friend gets all the help that she needs.


Leslie said...

This isn't an idea for a long term fund, but if you live near a Chick-Fil-A, you may want to approach them regarding a fundraiser. The girlfriend of my neighbor's 20 year old son was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Our local Chick-Fil-A had a fundraiser for her which raised $6,000 to go toward her medical bills.

Perhaps even the American Cancer Society can give you information on how to help raise funds for a particular person.

Kim in NC said...

If your friend has a church family, it may not hurt to call and speak with someone there. They could maybe do something as a congregation, and/or members may get involved in wanting to help you with ideas on how to proceed for long term help.

Also, reach out to members of the community. Is there a local band that may do a benefit concert or could some kind of auction be held?

Blessings to you for wanting to step up and do something, and blessings to your friend and this battle that lies ahead.